August 12, 2009

Just Another Day of Waiting

Yep, still waiting...not much new. MJ and I spent the day relaxing and enjoying some time together. We went to MJ's brother's in-law's house for a dip in the pool then came home and we for a walk. A one mile walk. Anything to help little Peanut find her way out of the womb and into Mommy's arms :)

No such luck thus far. The Braxton Hicks (hey, when do they turn into real contractions? When they don't stop and there for are in labor for real??) are happening more often and for longer periods of time, but nothing significant yet. Guess we will have to wait to see what the next few days (and tomorrow's non-stress test) bring.

1 comment:

Kelli said...

You should tell them you already had a REAL stress test...