August 02, 2010

T minus 16 Days

Silly little Abby always manages to amaze me and make me smile! Last week my Dad and sister spent the day watching Abby while I did some work around the house. Towards the end of the day Gramps and Abby had a little computer time. Gramps, being the resourceful fella that he is, found Plum-Vision--and Abby LOVED it! So much so, that it is now one of our "Favorites" (hey, a mom has to do what a mom has to do in order to get a call in or the dishwasher unloaded). One of the scenes is about the wind blowing and it shows kids blowing and the wind moving things. Much to my amazement, Abby started to blow too. I thought it was a fluke at first, but the last few days I have seen Abby blowing from time to time. Then today when I started Plum-Vision, Abby blew and blew and blew. It is funny because she gets so excited when the music starts, I just laugh! So, with this new skill I am working on getting her to blow on cue (which seems to be working just fine) so that maybe, just maybe, she will be able to blow out her own birthday candles. Wish me luck!

Skill building did not stop there today! At snack time Abby and I had some watermelon and cheese. For some of you, this may seem like a strange combo, but really it is not bad. Abby LOVES cheese and gets oh-so-excited when she see it. Funny! So, I figured that we should make "cheese" our next sign. Usually, it takes a week or so of heavy use for Abby to pick up a sign. But not today! Abby was signing "cheese" by the end of snack! Either it is her LOVE of cheese or her sheer brilliance...hummm. Well, we will see if "cheese" sticks around for lunch or snack tomorrow.
Later, we went to Nana and Papa's to wish them a happy homecoming. Mark and the girls were there too, Abby had fun playing with them two days in a row! Thank you Nana and Papa for the gifts, especially the Eskimo doll and duck whistle (Michael truly enjoyed the whistle!!). Here are just a few pictures of the fun had by all.
Julia mastered the Duck Whistle right away
Gracie took a little longer, but had it down too
Abby on there hand, not so much...
That's ok, there is always love from Nana!!

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