August 04, 2010

T minus 14 Days and Happy Anniversary to Us!!

That's right folks, in just two weeks we will have a one-year old daughter!!! I'm not sure that I am coming to terms with this like I should be yet...hey I still have a little before I HAVE to :)

Today, our little fam went for a two hour was hot, it was humid and it was only 9 a.m. Abby slept for the first half then chattered and hummed for the second half. Then we hung out for a little and packed Abby up for an evening at Nana and Papa's (so MJ and I could enjoy an evening out in celebration of our third anniversary). As we were driving on the back roads, the weirdest thing happened--it rained a squirrel! From nowhere a squirrel dropped from the sky, right into the middle of the dirt road. Poor thing seemed stunned after its thump to the ground. I was surprised to see it get up and run away...hope he/she is ok this evening!!

After a drive-by drop-off we headed to the D for dinner and a Tigers game. We went to Small Plates downtown so that we could use a Groupon that we scored a few months ago ($40 of goods for the low price of $20...not too shabby). All in all the food was ok--kind of bland if I do say so myself--but the beer and drinks were good. Can't go wrong with good old Miller Light and a tasty drink called The DJ's Fav (vanilla Stoli, Southern Comfort and Coke--sweet but GOOD). I would go back for the BBQ pizza and fries, but you can keep the lettuce wraps and bagel brochette.

Next we made our way through town and down to the park, but not with out a stop into a local bar for a Jager Bomb. Chelie's Chili was MJ's place of choice tonight. In and out.

Then we settled into our seats, beer in hand, for a little relaxation. We had GREAT seats tonight thanks to StubHub and a season ticket holder. We scored seats in section 118, row 6. I don't know what I was thinking when we purchased the tickets but I was pleasantly surprised to see just how great the seats were. It was nice to see all the calls at home plate for a change.

We had a good time at the game. We chatted it up with the older couple to our left who were from Chicago. The were true White Sox's fans from head to toe...literally! Grandpa had the hat and shirt to show it while Grandma had the earrings, shirt, and flip-flops!!! They were in town for the series, nothing more, nothing less. By the end of the night we were showing off our little ones (6 grand kids for them) and laughing at the spectators together. Sadly, one of their grandsons is rather sick due to having half a heart. He sounds like a real trooper though and brings many smiles to their faces. I would just like to say that we have this family in our prayers tonight and hope you might do the same.

Well after 7 innings of not so great playing, MJ and I decided to hit the road so that we could pick up little Abb-ster and get to bed. It is funny just how much you can miss a little thing! Needless to say she was passed out in bed with Nana when we got there at 10:30. She must of had fun playing!

And that my friends brigs us to a close for this find day!

MJ--I love you and am so lucky to have you in my life (as is Abby). It is amazing to think of what a blessing the past 3 years have been with you in them. Thank you for loving me the way you do and for putting up with all my.....ummmm......crap sometimes! I truly don't know what I would do without you! You always managed to bring some sunshine to my day when I am struggling, love when I am down (and even when I'm not), laughter when I'm to uptight, and true prospective when I need it most! I love you Michael Johnson!!!!! I can't wait to see what the future has in store for us :)

1 comment:

The Agnello Family said...

I hope the future holds more babies for you guys because you make such cute ones! Glad you guys had a good time...Happy Anniversary!