June 14, 2009

Round Out the Week

Sorry I missed the ROtW last week, with the marathon I did not have the time or energy. BUT, here we are at the end of 31 weeks:

My belly is getting rounder by the week! I found a fellow blogger who has set questions that she answers each week as part of her blog, it was interesting to read through the different weeks and see how her answers changed (Thanks Andrea). I hope to include the following info in the remainder of the ROtW posts:

How far along: 31 weeks

Stretch marks: 2 small ones on the bottom of my belly :(

Sleep: On a scale of 1-10 (1=Bad, 10= Amazing, lets do that again) 8

Best moment this week: Getting the swing from my sister, brother and their S.O. at my shower :) Lots of good stuff, I will post soon!

Movement: Peanut is getting hiccups more and more and seem to last for awhile. She gave Emily a good, strong kick while she was here.

Food cravings: Not really any “I-have-to-have-_____-or-I-will-kill cravings” yet. Though, chocolate milk sounds good.

Labor Signs: None

Belly Button in or out: In

What I am looking forward to: Sewing the crib stuff

What I miss: A cool beer on a hot summer day....

Weekly Wisdom: “Enjoy eating out without children while you can”

Random Belly Touches: Just family and good friends, which is COMPLETELY ok :)

Shout outs to new followers: Kelli and David

Baby Brain Moment of the Week: Could not remember what Uncle Jason and Aunt Lauren sent when asked….I felt really bad for that (thanks for the Bottles and Baby Einstein DVD!!).


Baby Momma Andrea said...

Thanks for the Shout Out!!

I can't take full credit, I've seen a lot of the Mommy's to be with this survey... so thanks to all of them.

Enjoy week 31 Keliann!!

Jeremy Facknitz said...

I think Peanut is a fab name once the child enters the world. You guys would be such trendsetters! He/she might turn into a successful rap artist, of course altering the spelling to P-Nut. Yes, I like it.

Hope all three of you are doing splendid.