February 06, 2010

One Arm Out

Though I knew the day would come when Abby would not want to be burritoed anymore I was hoping it was a few more weeks (months actually) down the road. I give most of the credit for Abby's ability to fall asleep fast to The Miracle Blanket (read an earlier post of mine here) and like to think that her consistent 2 hour naps are in part due to TMB. But, for the last week and a half she has been protesting the burrito. She has been wiggling and squirming more that usual when I burrito her AND as I snuggle her for 3 or so minutes.

So, the process of getting Abby used to burritoless sleep has begun--much to our dismay. The last two night I have been leaving her left arm out of the inside flap and only tucking it in on the last wraparound of the outer long flap. This has resulted in a little less squirming. For her first nap today I went for it and left her left arm completely out...I didn't expect her to sleep long because she usually twitches and/or hits herself with a flailing arm and wakes herself up. But much to my delight Abby slept for 1 hour and 3 minutes w/o waking! I did the usual paci plug at that point and she slept for another 20 or so minutes.

Not too bad considering she has been taking about an hour morning nap for the last 2 weeks (then getting up for an hour and then taking another 1-2 hour nap). At this point I'm going to consider this a good start to the burrito-free sleep!

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