October 14, 2010

Just Another October Day

Ahhhhh, what a good day today was! First, Abby and I got up around 8:15 (after a rather restless night--up at 12:40, 1:20 and 3:15....) and had breakfast. We chatted about animals and the sounds they make. It is amazing how fast she is learning things. Of course, she knows some better than others but it is pretty funny to hear her interpretation of some too. Here is a little video of our breakfast (excuse the first part, I was trying to hide the camera so she wouldn't cry for the baby...I failed).

Then, it was time for a nap. Abby took a 2 hour nap again today!!!!!!! This is the third time this week that she has taken a LONG nap (read-longer than her typical 40 minutes). Tuesday it was 2 hours, Wednesday it was 1:20. I think we might be on to something...

Then after a little trip to Kroger for a few things (organic 1/2 gallons of milk are on sale BTW) we took a little nap then did a little dancing. Abby loves Dance-a-lot Robot, especially the Flower Dance. Get your dancing shoes ready:

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