September 16, 2010

I Love Sleep

So, I have to confess...I slept until 11:30 this morning after going to bed at about 11 the night before. Yes, I spent 11 and 1/2 hours in bed (minus the 3:30 trek to Miss Abby's room to close her window b/c it was getting a bit too cold and the walk to the alarm clock at 6 to turn it off...). When Abby woke at 7 am I had MJ go get her and we snuggled/wrestled til 8 when MJ took her downstairs for breakfast and such. They came back around 8:45 (I think) and MJ showered and got ready for a visit with his friend who recently had a baby while Abby and I snuggled/played. When they left I told myself that I should get up, but I dozed off again until the phone rang at 11:29. Yikes!

At first I felt guilty for sleeping the morning away....

Then I chuckled. I thought to myself: I deserve this! I work hard, everyday, at being a good mommy and wife and seldom do for myself. MJ tells me all the time to stop being so hard on myself (especially over silly things like this)... Who cares if I slept til noon? Just then, MJ called and said they were on their way home.

Funny how that happens. So up I jumped. And after a trip to the bathroom to put my contacts in (and the obvious...I just spent 11 1/2 hours in bed people...), in went a load of laundry, I picked up a few things before heading downstairs and yes it all began again...

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