September 25, 2010

Beetle Juice

As you know, we started the weaning process back in July. Sadly, though inevitable, we have been done nursing for about a month now. Abby survived, as did I, and we have been living a life of formula only ever since.

Today brought another change to this journey as Michael answered the phone to find that our local Kroger store was giving us a courtesy call regarding the Similac recall. Thank you Kroger and to Similac I say: YUCKKKKKKKK!!! I am sad to report that we have two cans of the recalled formula, one of which is 3/4 gone. DOUBLE YUCKKKKKKK! These were going to be last two cans we would need since we got the go ahead from the Dr. to move on to milk, but needless to say--we won't be using them. So on to the store I went to get our first gallon of whole milk.

As a skim milk drinker, all I have to say is that I never realized just how white and thick that stuff is! But, Abby didn't seem to mind. In fact she chugged it! I am so relieved that she didn't fight the switch that I could cry! I thought we would have the same fight as we had when switching her from breast mile to formula---ounce by ounce switching---slow and steady---not that many ounces in a day. I hope she still likes it in the morning!

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