July 28, 2010

A New Staple

First, I have to say that we have been very fortunate to be able to nures as long as we have. And even though it got off to a VERY rough and painful start, I wouldn't trade one second of it for anything in the world. But I am sad to report that our days of saving money are quickly fading away, as we had to buy our first can of formula today!

We managed to get through the early bumps of nursing and going back to work with the help of free samples and therefore managed to go more than 11 months without having to buy any formula. It was FABULOUS! Then Emily gave us our last free can about a month ago after a long battle of getting Abby used to formula in the first place (we started out with 6 oz. of water to one scoop of formula. Anything more and she would gag and wipe her tongue...funny! Then about every 3-4 days I would add half a scoop. It took a while but now she will drink it). On the bright side, a large can currenly lasts us about a month because Abby is still nursing in the morning and at night, but this too is on the way out and the need for formula (then moo-juice) will soon be on the rise.

As we have started the weening process I find that I have a mix of emotions: sad that she is getting so old, happy that I was able to provide sustenance for my daughter, proud that I will make my goal of one year, relieved that Michael can get her breakfast for a change, excited to not have to worry about production levels, worried that Abby will have a hard time when Mommy's Milk is no more (she still asks for milk during the day and gets mad when I give her a sippy instead...), determined to get more of the "baby" weight off (no excuses now!) and scared to be done. I'm not sure why I am scared, but I am. Hummmm.

So for now I am enjoying every feeding that we have, savoring every moment and remembering the fun and closeness that Abby and I share during this time. Meanwhile, I am debating which feeding to eliminate next (morning or night) as both have their pluses and minuses. To help with the process I am currently nursing Abby after she has solid food in order to lessen the demand (A BIG THANKS to MJ for his help on this...I know that GETTING UP at 6 a.m. to feed Abby is not a favorite thing to do for either of us. You Rock Daddy!!) but I just can't decide which to give up. Well, I'll have to decided soon in order to get her down to one nursing a day by her birthday. Yikes!

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