May 17, 2010

Ain"t Taking This Lying Down

Well, when I went in to get Abby from her morning nap she wasn't in her normal position: on her belly, pushing up on her hands. This time she was chilling in a sitting position. It was a bit surprising, but not the first time she managed to get into this position. I grinned and scooped her up, enjoying this moment because I know moments like this will be gone much too soon.

Then came the end of her afternoon nap. I let her hangout in her crib for a few minutes before I went in to get her (I had to get the laundry switched and a few items put away before play time could begin). She was talking up a storm...I guess her conversation with her Glow Worm was a good one because I was able to get the entire load folded with out an insistent grunt, cry or scream. Then she got quite...hummm. I walked in and found her STANDING and smiling as to say "look what I can do Mom!". All I could think was "Wow, two first in one day. I wonder what the rest of the week will bring!". With Abby pushing up to all fours and rocking back and forth, I'm sure crawling is on its way sooner than later!

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