February 01, 2009

A little history to get you started

Well, our together journey officially started three years ago today when Michael picked me up at Kristi’s place for our first date. Michael thought out of the box and took me to a Piston’s game. While making our way through the parking lot I joked about this not being your typical first date and Michael replied in his quick fire way, “Oh, you thought this was a date?” My heart dropped for a second, then I realized he was only joking…or was he?

We got inside and found our killer seats, well not really killer. I don’t think either one of us cared that we were in the second to last row—the beer was good, the conversation was even better and the Piston’s won the game against the Timeberwolves: 90-74. (Ok, so I had to look up the score, but I do remember the rest.). It was a great night and as they say, the rest is history!

Happy Anniversary to us!


Kristi said...

Yippie Skippie!!! So glad the content is finally up and moving! :) Happy Anniversary, lovebirds. And, for what it's worth...the countdown for Peanut at the bottom of your blog will be over the halfway point before you know it. I know it doesn't feel like it, but I promise! xoxox - Kristi 'n WIP

Andrea Schultz said...

I am so glad the blog is officially started! Love and miss you both!

The Agnello Family said...

Yeah, I can't wait to follow along on the baby Johnson journey! I love that little peanut so much already and can't wait to spoil her (yes her...she will be a girl of course!)rotten!
- Steve, Emily, Charlotte and Emerson