I can't believe that Ben is one today. I honestly do not know where that year went! But I do know that Ben is an amazing little boy who brings such joy to our family.
Here is a quick run down of Ben's stats: Ben is easy going and happy 97% of the time. He is a good napper unless he is getting a new tooth, loves to be tickeled and be chased as well as eat anything in the bread/cracker family. Ben is crawling like a champ and starting to stand unassisted for a few seconds here and there. Ben is well travled, for a one year old that is, having been to Colorado and Florida this past year. Ben currently has two bottom teeth and one top tooth and is working on one or two more top ones. As far as size goes, there is no denying he is one of mine. He is currently too long for 9 month winter stuff but too skinny for 12 month stuff (he has been know to crawl right out of his pants...) so I think I'm going to put him in 9 month summer stuff for now. We have his one year appointment later this month so I don't know hard numbers for height and weight right now.
And as far a sisters go, Ben thinks Abby is the best! It has been so much fun to watch Abby and Ben grow and play together this past year. Abby clearly LOVES her brother and he loves her too. Ben likes to play close to Abby or be able to see what she is doing. He loves to tackle her and smoosh faces with her. And needless to say, Abby always wants Ben to watch her do something, or wants to help Ben with something. I don't think Ben would know what to do without her. One of my favorite things he does right now is yell "Ab-ba" when he hears her upstairs or downstairs as if he is searching for her. It is sooooo cute!
And now for the cute stuff:
Ben, Thank you for an amazing first year! We are so lucky to have oyu as a son and we can't wait to see what the next year brings!