August 21, 2010

Party Time!

Well, after MUCH prep and hard work, Abby's party was here! I must say that I was glad that it was time to have fun, but also wished we had a few more days to get stuff done at the same time...imagine that! All in all it was a great day filled with loving family and friends, good food and priceless memories. Here are a few pics:

Our Birthday Girl

The cake of mini cupcakes
After a delicious meal of "Abby-burgers", Mac-n-cheese, and other goodies cooked by one of Michael's new found "friends" we got ready to sing Abby Happy Birthday!

Easy to clean: Diaper and bib only :)

Abby's Cake

Getting ready to blow out the candle...

Dig in!

Such a lady! She didn't really dig, just nibbled...

and shared with Mommy!

And Aunt Wendy too ;P

Then came the pinata!

And gifts!

And cuteness!

And bounce house fun, too!

What a great ending to a perfect year! I learned a lot in the process of planning this party:

*it is ok to let go of some projects and let a professional help (thanks to Carolyn for cooking and Mission Clean for cleaning)

*after estimating how long you think it will take to complete a project (videos especially) TRIPLE your time

*NEVER expect specific, verbal directions to over ride a picture of a rough idea (even when you explain the pic has flaws)

*family is always there to lend a hand and make GREAT babysitters

*the day will always go by too fast so be sure to take LOTS of pictures (or even better: appoint someone to take them for you! It is like a gift you give to yourself, especially when you get to look at them and see things you missed)

*take a moment together as a family so that you feel like you had at least one special second all to yourselves.

Hopefully, I will take all of this with me into our second year and be a better mother because of it!

I want to say a special thanks to all of you, my followers and lurkers (you know who you are...), for spending a little of you time here at our blog this past year. I hope that you have enjoyed my ramblings and maybe even learned a little too! I hope to hear from you soon!

1 comment:

Kelli said...

It was perfect! What an awesome day!!! 1) the outfit was ADORABLE 2) loved the cupcake theme 3) Her hair is just too precious for words and 4) I LOVE HER BIB! YAY for a terrific birthday!