August 18, 2010

Birthday Fun Begins!

What a wonderful day today turned out to be!

We woke up to a happy little girl banging her paci on her crib and a few birthday phone calls. It was great to know that we weren't the only ones excited for this day! Birthday breakfast was yummy, Abby had pancakes, yogurt, and grapes. Then, MJ and I did some stuff around the house while Aunt Wendy Abbysat for a bit. It seems as though Abby decided that walking was a bit more interesting today too. Wendy said that she walked from the chair to the coffee table, which is about 5 feet or so, and then she stood for a good minute then walked 2 feet or so before sitting down. Go Abby! Later this after noon, we got ready and hit the road. Where were we going you ask? The Zoo!!!
We had so much fun checking out all the sights: trees, swimmy things, kangaroos, feathered things, a polar bear or two, sleepy tigers, and Abby's favorite--PEOPLE! I think she had more fun waving hello to all the people than anything else. Figures :) Perhaps this will be our B-day tradition!
Getting ready to see the polar bears:
Wow, that is a big foot print!
Loving Daddy
Mommy time!

Next we went to dinner and Abby ate tons of pasta. I think she ate 1/4 of my dinner! She sure love it, that or she was super hungry. When our bellies were full we headed home for some cake, but Abby was so tuckered out that it just wasn't going to happen tonight. Well, I guess the birthday festivities will have to continue into tomorrow! Hey, we have until 11:02 a.m. to celebrate her birth"day" (24 hours, right?!!)!
All in all it was a perfect day! As you know, I had been dreading Abby turning one...but in the end I was sad to see this special day go. I am just amazed at how much has changed in the last year and am so excited to see what the next one brings!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Happy Birthday Pumpkin! We love you!!!