December 18, 2010

Sixteen Months

Wow! Sixteen already! Lets just say that I am so happy that it is months and not years just yet...that will come all too soon! Abby's stats at this point go something like this: still waiting for her 1st tooth (any day now I think...), 17 lbs 8 to 15 ounces (depending on the day/time), wearing 9-12 month clothes (though some of her 6-9 still fit but I am sick of seeing them and am hoping for a growth spurt soon so I just buy 12 months for $ sake), not really a fan of sleeping (I chalk this up to teething...), loves to dip things in ranch dressing (or anything else for that matter), has mastered our iPhones, and talks nonstop (I will work on a list of words for next months post). Here is our Little Peanut with her buddy:

I don't think they are in the mood for this...
Abby's first candy cane--Yummy!

I bet Peanut would like some...

Time to share!
(I love her little tongue sticking out on this one)

Want some more?I'm gonna curl up and finish this, ok?

Headed home after a visit with Gramps and Grandma D
(munching on some goodies on our way out the door)

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